After the overthrow of Bashar al Assad, the new leader must face the former dictator’s Alawite loyalists Twenty days or so after the fall of Bashar...
Raid against an arms convoy in Dayr az Zawr province. Ongoing protests in Damascus against violence against Christians The U.S. military conducted an airstrike in Syria...
Raid contro un convoglio di armi nella provincia di Dayr az Zawr. In corso proteste a Damasco contro la violenza sui cristiani L’esercito degli Stati Uniti...
Former Syrian president denies resignation and denies rumours of his escape Former Syrian President Bashar al Assad issued a statement saying that his evacuation from Syria...
Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasises the importance of dialogue with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) for the political transition in Syria, despite the group being designated...
Bashar al-Assad, deposto presidente siriano, si troverebbe a Mosca, ma la sua presenza rimane avvolta nel mistero. Nessuna foto o video ufficiale lo mostra, mentre la...
Bashar al-Assad, deposed Syrian president, is reportedly in Moscow, but his presence remains shrouded in mystery. No official photos or videos show him, while Russia tries...
Iran’s Supreme Leader points the finger at the US and Israel, pointing to an alleged joint plan to topple Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Criticism also directed...
L’incursione israeliana in Siria solleva preoccupazioni internazionali ed è una palese violazione dell’accordo di disimpegno del 1974 Le truppe israeliane avanzano in Siria, nella zona cuscinetto...
Israeli incursion into Syria raises international concerns. Violation of 1974 disengagement agreement Israeli troops advance into Syria, into the buffer zone adjacent to the part of the...
The jihadist leader proclaims the ‘purification’ of Syria as the US conducts raids against ISIS bases Syria is experiencing a momentous moment: Bashar al-Assad’s regime has...
Azioni strategiche e manovre diplomatiche per la sicurezza regionale. Hamas invia a Egitto lista ostaggi da scambiare con eventuali prigionieri palestinesi nelle carceri israeliane Il ministro...
Strategic actions and diplomatic manoeuvres for regional security and likely news on the truce/hostage front in Gaza The Israeli Defence Minister, Israel Katz, has ordered the...