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In exchange for the three Israeli hostages released yesterday, Israel released 90 Palestinian prisoners. Hamas reports the failure to release a prisoner on the list. 630 trucks with aid arrived in Gaza yesterday

The first 90 Palestinian prisoners were released overnight, as per the agreement between Israel and Hamas that led to the release of the three Israeli hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damari and Doron Steinbrecher. The released detainees, according to Ynet, include 69 women, including one minor, eight male juveniles, and 12 men convicted of minor offences such as incitement and identification with terrorism.

Hamas, however, denounced the failure to release a prisoner whose name was included in the agreed list. The group’s note indicates that they are coordinating with mediators and the Red Cross to obtain Israeli compliance with the agreement.

Of the released detainees, 78 are from the West Bank and 12 from East Jerusalem. The agreement, in its first phase, envisages the total release of around 1,900 Palestinian detainees, with further exchanges expected in the coming days.

Meanwhile, as the truce took effect, more than 630 truckloads of humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, reported Tom Fletcher, UN Under-Secretary-General. ‘After 15 months of relentless war, the humanitarian needs are enormous. There is no time to waste,’ said Fletcher.

China welcomed the ceasefire agreement, expressing hope that it would be fully and continuously implemented.


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