Moscow accuses Kiev: failed attack on Turkstream pipeline with drones
Kremlin denounces Ukrainian attempt to block gas exports to Europe, speaking of ‘energy terrorism’
The Russian Defence Ministry announced that Ukraine attempted to strike a Turkstream pipeline compressor station located on Russian territory with drones. This pipeline is one of the main routes for exporting gas from Russia to EU countries, after Ukraine stopped transit through its territory as of 1 January, following its decision not to renew its contract with Moscow.
The communiqué issued by the Russian authorities states that the attempted attack was foiled and that the pipeline’s activity continues as normal, with no interruption in exports.
Accusations of ‘energy terrorism’ against Kiev
The Kremlin reacted harshly, accusing Kiev of pursuing a policy of ‘energy terrorism’ with the support of its western allies. This statement comes against a backdrop of growing tensions on the energy front between the two countries, with Ukraine cutting off the transit of Russian gas through its territory, a move that has prompted Moscow to rely on alternative routes, such as Turkstream.
Turkstream: the key gas pipeline for Europe
The Turkstream pipeline, which crosses the Black Sea, has become one of the main transport routes for Russian gas to Europe, after supplies through other routes, such as Ukraine, were reduced. The failed attack is a further sign of the intensification of energy tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with possible repercussions on gas supplies to European countries.
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