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Vento forte, neve e gelate colpiscono la regione, Capri isolata e scuole chiuse in alcune località. Vesuvio imbiancato

Oggi, domenica 12 gennaio, la Campania è sotto allerta meteo per forti venti, nevicate e gelate. L’isola di Capri è attualmente isolata a causa del maltempo, mentre domani, lunedì 13 gennaio, alcune scuole resteranno chiuse nel Sannio, in Irpinia e nel Salernitano. La Protezione Civile regionale ha esteso l’allerta gialla fino a domani alle 12 e ha emesso un nuovo avviso per vento forte, mareggiate e nevicate su tutto il territorio.

La situazione è particolarmente critica a Capri, dove una tempesta di vento e mare ha interrotto i collegamenti da stamattina. A Napoli, raffiche di vento fino a 100 km/h hanno causato danni, tra cui la caduta di un albero al Vomero, che ha distrutto tre auto parcheggiate. Sul Vesuvio si registra la prima nevicata del 2025, e anche a Benevento nevica a bassa quota, con un drastico calo delle temperature accompagnato da forti venti.


Israel calls for complete withdrawal of Hezbollah from southern Lebanon

Israeli army will maintain presence at five strategic locations to ensure security. , Minister Katz: “The IdF will act against...
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Israel calls for complete withdrawal of Hezbollah from southern Lebanon

Draghi: “Ukraine risks being isolated, Europe must act as one”

The former ECB president urges swift and coordinated action to address geopolitical challenges, warning that Ukraine's security and the European...
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Draghi: “Ukraine risks being isolated, Europe must act as one”

North Korea responds to US, Japan and South Korea: ‘Overwhelming reaction’ to denuclearization plan

Pyongyang accuses the three countries of “reckless and foolish acts” after denuclearization pledge reaffirmed at Munich Security Conference North Korea...
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North Korea responds to US, Japan and South Korea: ‘Overwhelming reaction’ to denuclearization plan

Israel does not withdraw completely from Lebanon: 5 strategic points remain under IDF control

The Israeli army withdraws from southern Lebanon, but retains control over five strategic areas. The deployment of Lebanese forces is...
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Israel does not withdraw completely from Lebanon: 5 strategic points remain under IDF control

Ferrari set to unveil the new SF-25 for Leclerc and Hamilton in London today

The unveiling of Ferrari's new single-seater for the 2025 Formula 1 World Championship will take place in the UK capital....
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Ferrari set to unveil the new SF-25 for Leclerc and Hamilton in London today

New attack from Russia: Zakharova again against Mattarella

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman returns to criticise the Italian President's words after his speech in Marseille, while silence is...
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New attack from Russia: Zakharova again against Mattarella

(Photo: © AndKronos)

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