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Manifestantes marchan en el centro de Chicago en oposición a la investidura presidencial de Donald Trump, con preocupación por las próximas redadas antiinmigración

Manifestantes se reunieron hoy en el centro de Chicago para protestar contra la ceremonia de investidura presidencial de Donald Trump. Los manifestantes se congregaron en Federal Plaza, mostrando pancartas con mensajes como «No más I.C.E, no más redadas» y «Defiende la democracia», mientras la policía patrullaba las calles en bicicleta.

Marcha hacia la Torre Trump

Los participantes fueron vistos marchando por State Street y frente a la Torre Trump en Chicago. La Red de la Comunidad Palestina de Estados Unidos dijo que se encontraba entre los 70 grupos de defensa que apoyaban o participaban en esta protesta planificada.

Preocupación por las redadas contra la inmigración

Esta protesta se produce mientras la ciudad se prepara para la posibilidad de redadas masivas de inmigración previstas para el martes. La administración Trump ha anunciado planes para intensificar las operaciones de detención de inmigrantes no autorizados en varias de las principales ciudades estadounidenses. Chicago ha sido advertida de que estará entre las primeras ciudades en ser blanco de los esfuerzos de deportación masiva.


The plan for Gaza: Gulf States in the front line, key role for the Saudis

According to diplomatic sources and analysts, Saudi Arabia has a plan for Gaza, with the support of the Emirates and...
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The plan for Gaza: Gulf States in the front line, key role for the Saudis

Hamas announces release of three hostages on Saturday, summit in Riyadh on 20 February

The al-Qassam Brigades say three Israeli prisoners will be released tomorrow. Meanwhile, leaders of several Arab countries will meet on...
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Hamas announces release of three hostages on Saturday, summit in Riyadh on 20 February

Vance: ‘If Moscow does not negotiate peace in Ukraine, sanctions and military pressure’

The US vice-president reiterates the hard line: ‘Everything will be on the table’ in talks on the war in Ukraine...
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Vance: ‘If Moscow does not negotiate peace in Ukraine, sanctions and military pressure’

Munich conference: negotiations on Ukraine war in focus

Trump confirms meetings between the US, Russia and Ukraine. Kiev denies direct involvement, but Zelensky will only see Vice President...
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Munich conference: negotiations on Ukraine war in focus

TikTok is available again in the US in the Google and Apple stores

After the download block in January, the app can be downloaded again. The president opens up the possibility of further...
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TikTok is available again in the US in the Google and Apple stores

Munich attack, 24-year-old Afghan had landed in Italy in 2016

Identified in Reggio Calabria as an unaccompanied minor, his tracks had been lost in Italy. German authorities have been registering...
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Munich attack, 24-year-old Afghan had landed in Italy in 2016

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