Il 23 febbraio Hezbollah onorerà il suo ex leader ucciso da Israele. La cerimonia potrebbe diventare un’occasione per nuove tensioni, mentre la tregua con Tel Aviv...
On 23 February Hezbollah will honour its former leader killed by Israel. The ceremony could become an occasion for new tensions, while the truce with Tel...
Night raids against Hezbollah targets in the east of the country. Beirut reports 10 wounded Israel carried out air strikes during the night on the Bekaa...
Israel blocks movement into northern Gaza and delays withdrawal from southern Lebanon Thousands of displaced Palestinians in the north of the Gaza Strip remain unable to...
Israele blocca i movimenti verso il nord di Gaza e ritarda il ritiro dal Libano meridionale Migliaia di palestinesi sfollati nel nord della Striscia di Gaza...
Due palestinesi uccisi a Rafah, Israele chiede un’estensione per il ritiro delle sue truppe dal sud del Libano Almeno due palestinesi sono stati uccisi dal fuoco...
Iran is at the centre of an internal and external crisis as it prepares to negotiate with the Trump administration and faces an uncertain future Internal...
New IDF airstrike against a humanitarian area in Gaza: three children and two Palestinian police generals among the victims An Israeli Air Force raid struck the...
Nuovo attacco aereo dell’Idf contro un’area umanitaria a Gaza: tra le vittime anche tre bambini e due generali della polizia palestinese Un raid dell’aviazione israeliana ha...
Hezbollah prepares to respond if Israeli aggression continues, as air raids hit Gaza causing casualties including children. Protests against Netanyahu in Jerusalem Hezbollah has issued a...
Houthis claim attack on Israel, Netanyahu confirms operations in Yemen. One Israeli casualty and Israeli raids against Hezbollah Yemen’s Houthi claimed a missile attack against Israel,...
Attacco missilistico dei ribelli yemeniti, raid israeliani contro Hezbollah e il coinvolgimento della Cisgiordania negli scontri recenti. Un’ulteriore escalation nella violenza del Medio Oriente Gli Houthi...
Israeli Defense Minister confirms Israel’s responsibility in Haniyeh’s killing and promises decisive action against Houthi rebels in Yemen Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz has officially confirmed...