Recent cases in New Orleans and Vienna confirm the growing threat of ‘do-it-yourself’ jihadism Isis is making inroads among young people and vulnerable individuals, exploiting their...
Casi recenti a New Orleans e Vienna confermano la minaccia crescente del jihadismo ‘fai-da-te’ L’Isis sta facendo breccia tra giovani e individui vulnerabili, sfruttando la loro...
A former military man with an anti-terrorism medal who struck terror on New Year’s Eve Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a 42-year-old Texas-born man, wreaked havoc on New Year’s...
New information and details emerge from the testimonies of survivors of the attack, while authorities link the bomber to extremist ideologies As crowds gathered to celebrate...
Emergono nuove informazioni e particolari dalle testimonianze dei sopravvissuti all’attacco, mentre le autorità collegano l’attentatore a ideologie estremiste Mentre la folla si radunava per festeggiare il...
US and UK intelligence services are allegedly planning terrorist attacks against Russian military targets in Syria, involving Isis groups recently released from Syrian prisons According to...
The death of two reporters in an airstrike raises questions about responsibility and escalating tensions between Turkish and US forces in northern Syria Cihan Belkin and...
La morte di due reporter in un attacco aereo solleva interrogativi sulle responsabilità e sulle crescenti tensioni tra le forze turche e quelle statunitensi nel nord...
Nel giorno della caduta del regime di Bashar al-Assad, gli Usa compiono dei raid in territorio siriano: gli attacchi mirati hanno colpito leader e accampamenti dell’Isis...
On the day of the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, the US carries out raids on Syrian territory: the targeted attacks hit Isis leaders and camps...
The U.S. pledges to aid Syria in rebuilding and transitioning to democracy, while keeping a close watch on potential risks posed by extremist groups In a...
La 19enne, originaria del Kenya, stava per imbarcarsi per la Turchia con l’intento di raggiungere la Siria e unirsi all’Isis. Decisivo il monitoraggio degli ambienti jihadisti...
Weapons systems that threatened US and coalition forces destroyed. Syrian regime counter-offensive against HTS jihadists in Hama The US Central Command (Centcom) announced it had destroyed...