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Ignorando le richieste dei mercati – alla luce dei problemi degli ultimi giorni nel settore bancario – il consiglio direttivo della Bce ha deciso (come anticipato nella riunione di gennaio) di innalzare di 50 punti base i tre tassi di interesse di riferimento. Una mossa – si spiega – dettata dalla considerazione che “l’inflazione dovrebbe rimanere troppo elevata per un periodo di tempo troppo prolungato”.

Ma la Bce questa volta non fornisce indicazioni sugli eventuali rialzi futuri ribadendo come “l’elevato livello di incertezza accresce l’importanza di un approccio fondato sui dati per le decisioni del Consiglio direttivo sui tassi di riferimento, che saranno determinate dalle sue valutazioni sulle prospettive di inflazione alla luce dei nuovi dati economici e finanziari, dalla dinamica dell’inflazione di fondo e dall’intensità di trasmissione della politica monetaria”.


Napoli frenato ancora: solo 1-1 con l’Udinese al Maradona

Napoli frenato ancora: solo 1-1 con l’Udinese al Maradona

Gli azzurri passano con McTominay, ma Ekkelenkamp firma subito il pari. Ora l'Inter può accorciare Secondo pareggio consecutivo per il...
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Trump continues with Canada new US state story

Trump continues with Canada new US state story

The president relaunches his idea during an interview on Fox News: ‘We lose $200 billion in subsidies’. Then he flies...
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Kosovo elections: Kurti wins, but loses momentum. Government at risk

Kosovo elections: Kurti wins, but loses momentum. Government at risk

The Vetevendosje party remains first, but collapses compared to 2021 and remains far from a majority. The opposition considers an...
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Elon Musk wants to shut down the free voices of RFE and VOA: another masterpiece of ‘economics’

Elon Musk wants to shut down the free voices of RFE and VOA: another masterpiece of ‘economics’

In another tirade on X, Elon Musk proposes the closure of Radio Free Europe and Voice of America, accusing them...
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Scholz accuses the CDU: ‘I fear an alliance with the ultra-right, I can no longer believe them’

Scholz accuses the CDU: ‘I fear an alliance with the ultra-right, I can no longer believe them’

The German Chancellor expresses doubts about the CDU position in a heated TV duel with Friedrich Merz During a televised...
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Germany, demonstrations against the extreme right on 9 February 2025

Germany, demonstrations against the extreme right on 9 February 2025

Across Germany, thousands of people demonstrated against the AfD and its possible ally the CDU, to defend democracy and civil...
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Dublin, attack in Stoneybatter: man arrested

Dublin, attack in Stoneybatter: man arrested

Local media: ‘Three to four people stabbed’ Irish police arrested a man in the Stoneybatter district of Dublin after an...
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Baltic states disconnect from Russian power grid: now connected in Europe

Baltic states disconnect from Russian power grid: now connected in Europe

Von der Leyen: ‘Finally free from Russian threats and blackmail’ Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania officially completed the switch to the...
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(con fonte AdnKronos)

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